I have a name! Ravina’s infant, born on May 8, 2021, is growing in leaps and bounds. LCF names all of our red ruffed lemurs with a Malagasy theme and, after much deliberation the winning name is Tsambiky! Tsambiky (psalm-bee-key), meaning ‘bounce’, was chosen for the exact reason you’re thinking. When this little one began venturing out of her nest box, she didn’t walk anywhere- she bounced!
When Tsambiky was first introduced to group members not her mother, she was rather shy. Tsambiky was even wary of big brother Frezy (born 2020), seemingly due to their significant size difference. However as Tsambiky continued to grow, and Frezy continued to solicit play, the pair became fast friends. This devilish duo now spend their days climbing, playing, and bouncing together!