Mongoose lemur Rosalita, or Rosie, was born May 17, 2015 at LCF’s Florida reserve to mother Emilia and father Bimbini. Four years later, in May 2019, Rosie left her family group to be a companion for then 26 year old mongoose lemur Guillermo. Rosie’s personality quickly adapted to her new situation and she began to develop from a rambunctious youngster used to playing with her younger siblings to a mature, gentle companion who was a great comfort to Guillermo in his golden years.
Following Guillermo’s passing this year (In Memoriam: Guillermo), Rosie was re-introduced to her older brother Pablo. It didn’t take long for the pair to re-familiarize themselves with each other and now they spend much of their time lazing together in the shade.
Mongoose lemurs are listed as Critically Endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List with an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future. In addition to their important role in conservation, education, and research, Rosalita, Pablo, and all the mongoose lemurs at LCF serve as a genetic safety net against possible extinction in the wild.
Learn more about mongoose lemurs by clicking here.